Apologies for the late posting of this statement made by Sharmind Neelormi from Bangladesh on behalf of the Women and Gender constituency on Thursday:
I am Sharmind Neelormi from Bangladesh, one of the most vulnerable countries under climate change, speaking on behalf of GenderCC – Women for Climate Justice.
I am speaking on behalf of millions of poor women who are disproportionately impacted by the adverse effects of climate change and with a blurred future expecting a just climate negotiation. It’s the concerns of their survival; it’s the healthy reproductive future we are hoping for. As you would agree, Mr. Chairman, neither survival nor our reproductive future is negotiable.
Major financing for adaptation should be provided by Annex I countries, based on their historical responsibility and debt in connection with encroachment into the atmospheric space of all women and men, who lived, are living and will be living in all the developing countries.
Adaptation fund should be new and additional to ODA and humanitarian responses to disasters. A significant proportion of this fund should be earmarked to promote gender targeted and gender sensitive adaptation. There must be gender budgeting and proper monitoring as to ensuring gender sensitive spending.
Rather than GEF, we demand a body, similar to the Adaptation Fund Board (AFB) or an extension of it should be given the charge to administer the fund.
Recognizing that for adaptation alone we would require 100s of billions dollars per annum, we cannot accept a meager 10B dollars per annum as a starting point to initiate an adequate, predictable, automatically replenishable financial regime.
Dear Colleagues,
Let us create a negotiated regime where we do not require adapting much. When we need to manage the unavoidable through adaptation, we do it equitably, ensuring gender justice.
Thank You.
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