09 December 2009

Danish Government Goes Subversive Shopping

A little reported fact about the CO15 Copenhagen Summit is the wonderfully subversive and liberating decision for the Danish Government hosts not to issue the usual freebies at this kind of event.

The target was to be perfect hosts and yet not give in to the relentless "gifts" from companies and sponsors to the target group. The budgeted $700,000 dollars, 4 million Danish kroner will be spent instead on climate related scholarships allowing about a dozen students from around the world carry out 2 year climate related masters programmes at Danish universities.

"Although there is no doubt as to the good intentions behind giving gifts, we have often experienced how conference kits end up in garbage bins at conference venues and hotels. We want to break the habit in Copenhagen and spend the money in a constructive way" said Ulla Tornaes, Minister for Development Co-operation.

In much the same fashion, New Life Copenhagen became the new and complimentary "Green Hotel" for conference partipants. Visitors from all over the world were invited to register and were connected with a "host" family, representing liberal and generous Danish families in Copenhagen itself. Nearly 4,000 international visitors will be hosted in this way. Most countries would be more keen to build new hotels, or exploit tourism somehow. There are also many schools and colleges who have offered space at the cost of £35 for three nights (albeit on your own sleeping bag on the floor) with breakfast. I myself registered with a family and I'm looking forward to the extra cultural experience and insight offered in accepting such gracious hospitality from our host nations citizens.

In the last few days the Danish government have been under scrutiny for the "secret" plan B they have been drafting with the US and Britain among others if it doesn't go well. Avaaz, an organisation commited to mobilising support using new technology for real leadership from the worlds representatives are running a telephone your leader campaign.

They say: "The Copenhagen climate summit is on the verge of collapse already -- developed countries have failed to lead the way with sufficient cuts and real money to finance a deal, and trust was lost when a flawed draft by the Danish hosts leaked.

European nations have led the way on climate before. But so far in Copenhagen, we have failed to do our job. In these last short days, Europe’s leaders must rise to the moment and become true dealmakers.

Our leaders are meeting in Brussels this Thursday and Friday to decide how far they’ll go for a real deal in Copenhagen. Let’s flood them with thousands of phone calls from their own citizens, pressing them to rescue the summit by offering fairer and more ambitious proposals, instead of standing by and watching our future fall apart.
Click here to take action now:


After years of negotiation and discussion, we should not fail in the last days for a simple lack of leadership. So even if you're not going to Copenhagen on the train, you can send a text or write an email to let your leader know what you think.

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